Capturing the Artistry and Significance of Handmade Knives

Leading Knife Photography in Norwalk, Connecticut USA
Welcome to SharpByCoop Photography
There will ALWAYS be an important place
for still image photography.
It is this philosophy that has helped me create a style and display method that is superior to many single, individual images.
The composition shot allows the casual viewer to scroll around the image making comparisons and taking in new information. The single-view displays are dramatic and uncluttered.
“No one needs a handmade knife, they have to *want* it.”
My rich backgrounds and shadows are real. I don’t utilize digital backgrounds, so my images create a better sense of realism to the potential buyer.
Videography is important, yet LESS enduring and LESS shareable. Digital or print images remain long-term accessible.
Unsurpassed Promotion!
My images are shared WORLDWIDE. YOUR work gets *seen* WORLDWIDE!
USA, Europe, Australia, Middle and Far East, even Russia.
@ Social Media ROCKS !
Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Knife *Everyone* is watching.
Print Magazines Worldwide!
Still the ‘Holy Grail’ of exposure: Blade, Knife, Knives Annual, Excaliber, La Passion de Couteax, Messer, Australian Knife, Coffee table books and even more.
Portfolio Images - Makers
- The reason for a professional quality Knifemaker Portfolio image serves two main purposes:
- Promotion - To keep YOUR work visible in the forefront
- Posterity - A visual record of your styles and growth
- Knifemakers need to show their best pieces to prospective buyers, and a record of this work will serve to establish their styles and value to the viewers.
- All portfolio images include: MY social media promotions, magazine submissions, print(s), high resolution file, and a web display image. All to use as needed.
- Every image I will post on Instagram with a link to your own page, or your Facebook/website, etc. At 100,000+ subscribers, I guarantee extra exposure. Be ready!
- Every Portfolio photograph is submitted to at least (8) editors of USA and Worldwide print publications. Although I can only guarantee the editors receive these images, the percentage of SBC images which make it into print is substantial.
Portfolio Images - Collectors
- Collectors often invest thousands on their knives. My work can add even MORE value!
- Photo Print and Digital Display (Most knives are locked away. One can openly show and ENJOY their collections visually with pictures.)
- Resale (This reason alone can earn MUCH more than the cost of the image.)
- Promoting a knifemaker's work, will help their long-term sustainability, including the aftermarket.
- Insurance records.
Customers Served
Knives Photographed
Turnaround Time
Customer Satisfaction